My friend Gloria's brother in-law Andy, plays in a band called YUCA. Me and Gloria love going to their concerts and really enjoy listening to their music. Last Thursday, YUCA opened for Default at the Langley Events Center! We had a lot of fun and I was able to take some great pictures. I say this because usually at concerts, pictures turn out blurry and the lighting is horrible. But I think I got some great shots! See for yourself:
This was the first group to open. They were called The Latency.
This picture was taken by one of my friends. If you look closely, you'll notice we are all wearing Yuca shirts! Yes, that's how much we like them.

This is Andy. He is my friends brother in law.

And one more picture of Default.
By the way, what do you thing of my new logo/signature? I kinda like it but I'm not sure about it yet. maybe it's too bright yet.
I agree - you got some GREAT shots! I bet they will be sorry to have you leave! Any band can use a good publicity photographer!