Saturday, September 18, 2010


Sandra is another one of my good friends that let me take pictures of her, so I could practice my style.
For her photo shoot I wanted an open field with a view of the mountains. We were on our way to find the perfect spot but it started to drizzle, so we decided to just take the next best park that we could find and finish the shoot before it would seriously start to rain. The park that we found ended up being a pretty nice one, so were able to have a good session.


  1. i love it! thanks:) I'm working on yours!

  2. LOVE aaall of ´em!! getting better and better!
    your lill sis

  3. Nice shots...quite a few that really stand out!
    Happy Birthday!
    Your Mom sent us here...I'm a follower of her blog and hope you have a great day!
    I'll keep checking back!


  4. Beautiful shots!
    Just stopping by to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Just hopping over from your mom's blog to say Happy Birthday!

  6. loved the pictures of your friend; especially the one with her playing guitar on the grass (and her taking pictures of you taking pictures of her, LOL)

    just came over to wish you Happy Birthday! hope you have a wonderful day!


  7. I'm here from your Mom's blog. Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy Birthday Marisa! Stopping by from your Mom's blog to wish you a fantastic day and a wonderful year.
    And while I was here I looked around-- You are very talented!
    Happy weekend, jj

  9. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and for stoping by and checking out my blog!
    Feel always welcome to come again!

  10. Lovely shots! Happy Birthday and a happy year ahead. God bless. Over here from your mom's blog! Blessings!

  11. Your mom told us about your birthday. Your photos are wonderful. Hope you have a happy birthday.

  12. I love the black and white with the guitar and the subtle colors are spectacular in that final shot.

  13. Happy Birthday, Marisa! Have a wonderful day!

    You are a very talented photographer.

  14. Happy B-day Marisa!!
    I'm from your mum's blog and love the care and closeness of your family. Enjoy your day and keep shooting!

  15. Happy Birthday, Marisa!

    Love these shots - well done! The full length with her guitar, and that very last one are my faves. Good eye :)

    Good luck with your move - your mom is so excited to have you coming home again. Cherish having such a sweet, loving mother!

    Have a wonderful day!

  16. Very nice shots! I'm super late - but I hope you DID have a fabulous Birthday! Happy Belated!

